9/24 to 9/26/23
The Maori Healers are travelling from Ahipara (New Zealand) through Europe and the US after a 3-year hiatus. Join us for a unique opportunity to receive Maori Bodywork in Knoxville, TN.
The traditional Maori Bodywork features the ancestral arts of Romiromi and Mirimiri. Romiromi is a bodywork practice that uses body weight, fingers, hands, elbows, forearms, feet and knees in a direct and precise way with a specific focus on Roimata and Haemata, which are internal and external vital points throughout the body. Mirimiri focuses on tissue, muscle, bone and blood, Romiromi stimulates the internal organs and systems of the body.
Both modalities are dependent upon each other and work simultaneously to achieve physical and spiritual release, through agitating or ‘stirring up’ energetic blockages.
What to expect
The sessions are available for both men and women and there will be men and women practitioners as well. Our teacher, Ata, has developed a specialization in working with women who struggle with a myriad of female issues, including past trauma and fertility, although her practice and those joining her is not limited to this. For those who don’t know what this work entails, the simple way to describe it is that it looks like deep tissue bodywork. We use knees, elbows, hands, as well as props such as wooden sticks to reach deeply into joints & muscles that hold stuck energy and emotions. It’s designed to be a tool for helping to release any obstructions that get in the way of you building your life, which include mental, emotional and psychic blockages. These sessions take place in a group-style setting and is the preferred method amongst the Maori Healers. Maori people are often engaged in group gatherings, and that applies to their healing as well. They utilize the group energy to contain many different powerful energies and emotions that come up during sessions. The group setting supports the deep healings that are needed. Some people are laughing hysterically, others may be grounded and calm, while the people next to them are crying their eyes out; it’s all welcome and included amongst the group. Unlike American philosophy, where you pay for an hour and you get an hour, Maori Healers are more concerned with getting a job done rather than needing to stick to a strict timeline. Therefore, some sessions can be a bit shorter, while others can be longer, so account for that ahead of time. The work takes the time it takes. Lastly, it’s a great privilege to have any Maori Healer leave their land in New Zealand, and they incur great cost to do so. Having said that, your session may be started by someone non-Maori, but highly trained by them. This is typical. However, the Maori (Ata) are paying attention and tracking every bit of your session and will often interrupt and take over from your initial practitioner in order to do something they see is needed in your particular case. All this to say is that you can expect multiple sets of eyes & hands on you depending on what’s going on with you and what’s needed at that moment.
(Dr. Herald Turk, Los Angeles, CA)
Meet the team
Atarangi Muru
Co-founder of Maori Healers, co-founder of Te Rongopae – A Clear Bright Horizon and founder of Kawa Ariki – The Goddess Returns (ancestral women’s teachings), as well as Let’s Romi and Rongo Matua. Atarangi began travelling internationally with Hohepa Delamere (Papa Joe), Tohunga / Elder / Master Teacher and fellow Maori Healer’s co-founder, in February 2000, although they had worked together in Aotearoa / New Zealand before then. Atarangi was raised in the small coastal community of Ahipara and is affiliated to Ngati Kuri, Te Aupouri and Te Rarawa tribes. Her name translates as ata (dawn) rangi (light) and means ‘the realisation of one’s visions’ (Naida Pou). Atarangi’s drive in this work is about growing and supporting people using specific tools for self healing. Her passion for the healing arts was ignited when her training began at an early age as it was for many others in those times. Being taught at the knees of her many Kuia (Elder women) and Koroua (Elder men), is the traditional method. Today she passes these healing arts forward to her children, grandchildren, and her extended family both biological and spiritual.
Hirini Reedy
From Tairawhiti, East Coast North Island, Aotearoa New Zealand. A Maori eco-engineer, healer and philosopher who blends traditional Maori knowledge with Honors Degree in Engineering and Masters of Philosophy. A former NZ Army officer with UN service and NZ Commander in Chief duties advising on Maori warrior arts into New Zealand Armed Forces. A Maori warrior-philosopher who integrates eco-spirituality, Maori healing and ethical character into his diverse work. Twice, he walked the entire length of New Zealand 2017(North-South), 2022 (South-North) for peace, healing and environment. He lives a simple existence. Dedicating the rest of his life to leaving a livable Earth for future generations.
Ko Hikurangi te maunga, Hikurangi my mountain, Ko Mokoiwi te awa, Mokoiwi my river, Ko Uepohatu a, Maui te iwi, Uepohatu a Maui my bones, Ko Aotearoa te whenua, Aotearoa my home, Nga mihi, Hirini,
Thank you, Hirini.
Terence Muru
Terence spent 20 plus years traveling as a member of Maori Healers. Of Ngati Kuri, Te Aupouri and Te Rarawa tribes on his mother’s side and Rarotongan and Tahitian decent on his father’s side give Terence cultural depth. Terence’s precise work brings clarity to what he does. Terence began traveling with Atarangi (his mum) at an early age. Terence has an extraordinary ability to listen deeply and to give feedback that is simple, respectful, and insightful.
During his teens, Terence had mentors like Papa Joe (Hohepa Delamere), Aunty Heni Phillips, Manu Korewha, Whaea Makuini Ruth Tai, to name a few, and these teachings continue to guide him today. As a result, his natural tendencies towards compassion, patience and connection are finely tuned.
Megan Read
I am from Aotearoa New Zealand. I am affiliated to the Ngāti Kahungunu and Ngāti Whare tribes of the North Island. I live in the beautiful coastal town of Tauranga. I work with people with various mamae (pain), but my passion is working with “forgotten” women who have survived sexual abuse & violence from an early age. I love connecting them to the remembrance of the essence of who they truly are. Shifting stagnant energy, releasing guarding/protective muscles from accumulated experiences from trauma & stress held deep in the cellular memory. To gain more peace, calmness & clarity. I look forward to meeting you all soon.
Ngā mihi,
This event is co-hosted by